The results of Halls Militaria Auction on 6th August demonstrate that keen interest in all things Arms, Armour and Military related is still very much alive.
August Militaria at Halls Fine Art
The results of Halls Militaria Auction on 6th August demonstrate that keen interest in all things Arms, Armour and Military related is still very much alive.
Ephemera lots have been the focus at this Auction; Lot 546 which sold for £800 was a First World War original photograph album which provided an almost complete documentation of the British involvement in the Gallipoli and Middle Eastern Campaigns of the First World War, and provided enjoyable research as further investigation opened up a whole world of history.
The Asian and Indian firearms and edged weapons market also proved that interest remains strong in this area. An elaborate 19th century Indian toradar, with a polished redwood stock sold for £480 and a Ghurka Kukri knife with unusual purple velvet scabbard and horn handle sold for £100. The interest on these pieces came mainly from the Australian market.
The next Militaria event features in The Special Christmas Collective Auction on the 17th of December for which entries are invited until the 17th November. Already consigned is a fascinating First World War group relating to two brothers who served with The London Yeomanry and The Gordon Highlanders, containing a kilt, sporran, medals, Christmas tins, photographs, a walking cane and more.
Click for details on free, no obligation auction estimates for Militaria at Halls Fine Art