Derek Ainsworth


Watches, Coins & Medals Specialist


"I find it quite exciting to go through a tin, box or carrier bag because you never know what you are going to find."




After joining Halls in 1996 as the jewellery and watch specialist Derek Ainsworth gradually started to assess the increasing number of coins, war medals and commemorative medals which were being brought in for auction advice. This increase has been so significant that his role has evolved to become our watches, coins and medals specialist where every Monday morning, during our free valuation session, he sees many people laden with boxes and carrier bags containing coins and medals which have been forgotten in the attic, garage and drawers. They have often been left to the vendor by either a parent, relative or a friend who have been an avid collector with the items subsequently being consigned due to downsizing, moving house or lack of interest.



Phone: 01743 450700

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