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Lot 308 - Large World collection of stamp and cover albums etc filling 3 large plastic crates.
Sold for £180
Lot 313 - An entire letter from Napoleon Bonaparte’s brother, Lucien, of postal, historical and literary importance, with a Shrewsbury connection.
Sold for £500
Lot 317 - Great Britain 1840-1970 collection housed in Davo pre-printed album;almost complete per the Davo listing
Sold for £5,000
Lot 318 - A collection of stamps to albums and loose, 2 boxes
Sold for £230
Lot 321 - Stamps: a large accumulation comprising GB...
Sold for £45
Lot 322 - Great Britain First Day Covers and Commemorative Covers: a massive accumulation in 2 crates.
Sold for £15
Lot 323 - USA Stamp collection 1861-1978 very clearly laid out in two black Lindner albums
Sold for £65
Lot 324 - Accumulation of stamps and covers in crate/carriers/ box. An incredible mix of albums plus covers and stamps on/off paper in envelopes/bags etc. Worth a good look.
Sold for £70
Lot 325 - Cover collection in two large binders
Lot 326 - Malaya, Kelentan "Chef's Hat". Stamps of 1937 to $1 both mint and used. Cat £400+
Sold for £50
Lot 327 - Niger Coast Protectorate and Mafia Island stamps
Sold for £60
Lot 328 - Burma Stamp Collection 1937-46
Lot 329 - British Guiana collection of mint and used stamps on album pages 1876-1939; some duplication. High catalogue value.
Sold for £30
Lot 332 - USA, 1857-1970s used collection (a few mint) in red album
Sold for £360